Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Summer 2012

We have had a good summer with the highlight being that we finally moved in to our house!  But before more about that, we'll do a quick overview of the rest of the summer.

We did a little bit of camping this year.  Unfortunately, it's not like Denver where no matter how warm it is in the city, just a little bit away you'll get to cooler weather.  When it's hot at our house, it's also hot where we'd go camping.  And since we currently don't have an AC in the camper, we were only able to go a couple times at the in the spring.  Colin had a great time and I had fun getting to play with my camera.

We had a busy weekend just before Memorial Day.  We got to show off our new "hometown" to Stu and Allison which also included showing them the framing of the new house.
Our first out-of-town visitors to our new home
The next day we went to my grandparents' farm in West Virginia.  It was quiet, serene, and we got to see family that we hadn't seen in a very long time.  Colin also got to enjoy his first chocolate sandwich cookie.
Resting on the way to Great-grandmama's

Yummy Oreo

Just like his cousin, always has a stick in his hand
We took an impromptu trip to the beach in New Jersey.  Colin did not like the idea of the ocean at all but did really enjoy playing in the sand.  After some coaxing we did get him to spend a few minutes in the pool, too.  Between now and next summer we'll do swimming lessons, I hope, so with any luck next summer will give us more time in the water (and he'll enjoy it more, too).
Pick me up!!

Getting tired after an afternoon of playing
We also have started going to Little Gym.  Colin loves to climb anything and everything so he has really enjoyed getting to climb on all the apparatus.  He's not too sure about he following directions, but he's getting there.

And of course, the most exciting part of the summer has been getting to move in to the new place.  We have been here just over two weeks, all our things were delivered out of storage last Friday, and amazingly we have made a good dent in getting things organized and put away.  Living without things for 10 months shows you how minimally you really can live, but also how nice it is to have some things.  Colin has adjusted fairly well but there are definitely times here and there that he gets mad - but who's to say that's not just because he's 18 months....

I'll do a more detailed post about where Colin is these days - there are things I want to write down just to not forget.  He makes me laugh every day and he really does amaze me each day as well.  He is a very smart, inquisitive, loving, energetic boy who we are thankful for every day.


Colin has had 2 hair cuts. I didn't think we would need them too frequently considering this is what he looked like at just about a year old:

Feb 9, 2012
But around my birthday when we went to the beach, we (and by "we" I actually mean Mike) decided that he needed to get his precious curls cut.  It made me a little sad because I feared that the cute curls wouldn't grow back (which was a well founded fear it turns out).  But we started getting more comments about how long his hair was getting, so alas, we went to a kid's hair place (45 minutes away since our town has nothing of the sort) to get a haircut.
June 2012
Colin did well for his first haircut.  Initially he didn't want to let go of me but once he got a handful of lollipops he was better.  He didn't eat any lollipops but did enjoy playing with them.  And he sure did look handsome in the end.
Watching himself in the mirror
And today, we had to do it again.  We went to the place the Mike goes to and Colin did OK despite the fact that he was hungry and tired and is going through a very mommy-clingy phase right now.  Today, he did eat the lollipop and appeared to enjoy it.  The stylist was awesome and definitely skilled at quickly cutting a toddler's hair.  I was very impressed - the salon is closer, I liked the cut better, a little cheaper... we'll be going back again.

Patiently waiting his turn while reading a Sports Illustrated - his hair grew fast in the past two months
