Saturday, November 20, 2010

I know it's been a while...

But I find publishing to the blog falls to the way-side when you are working a mixture of night and day shifts and averaging 5 shifts/week of 12 hours each. Luckily, I'll be heading out of town for 8 days on Tuesday morning so I won't have to worry about work for that time. So please forgive me for falling down on posts and keep our patients and their families in your prayers - and throw in an extra for my sanity as well.

In the way of what else has been going on, we had our 27-28 week appointment this past Thursday and all looks good. The baby, however, has decided it really doesn't want to flip to be in the correct direction (it has been breech at every ultrasound so far). So now I have an ultrasound appointment every two weeks starting right after Thanksgiving (and every 2 weeks is normal for how often to go once you get to 30 weeks, it's the ultrasound that's different than normal). The doctor said that he wants to be able to document the head flipping down and if it hasn't by 34 weeks we'll have a conversation about options. I definitely DO NOT want a c-section so I'll do almost anything I have to... let's just hope that we don't have to worry about that. (As an aside, I still don't know what it's like to be kicked in the ribs all the time but my bladder is definitely up to par on what it feels like to be kicked.)

Also, the growth has finally slowed down. Instead of measuring at least a week big, the baby is right on target. Now the "if you go to term" weight prediction is 7.5 lbs rather than 8 lbs so I'm a little more at ease about that. My weight gain has leveled off as well... at least until I get to Thanksgiving!

I really can't believe that in as little as 10 weeks I could have a little one in my arms! It's been an exciting journey and I'm sure that I'll have many more pieces of the journey to enjoy in the next 2 months. I especially can't wait to hold him or her in my arms and cuddle as much as possible!

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you!! I can't wait to see pictures of this baby :-)

    I've recently started giving doula clients the link to the Spinning Babies website for optimal fetal positioning in general...if you don't know about it, check it out. Here's the section on breech babies:
