Saturday, July 31, 2010


Our house is already overflowing with baby stuff. I think both my mom and Mike's mom have been just waiting to hear that there is a baby on the way to put the boxes in the mail, in addition to my friends.

First my friend Lindsey sent me a box of clothes - very appreciated clothes, I might add - and some great newborn/infant toys. Then when I got to Kansas, mom said that she has had something for me at home for ages and would put it in the mail to me as soon as she got home (after she just happened to bring the Baby Bjorn to share for whenever we did decide to have kids; she says she was shocked when I told her but I think deep down she was hoping I'd have news to share!). In addition to that, she put all kinds of little toys and gadgets and burp cloths in as well. Then just yesterday we got a large box from Mike's mom in Indiana with some of the most adorable things ever! Add that to all the things I'm getting from the girls at work - tanks, t-shirts, scrubs that will fit when I have a belly - and our house is getting taken over.

I'm so excited and must admit that something about going through the baby clothes and toys in the most recent box made it all seem more real. I'm so excited to start deciding on how to decorate the nursery, making little things for baby, deciding if we're going to find out if it's a boy or a girl (I still vote no)... there is so much to look forward to over the next 6 months, I'm getting more and more excited!

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