Saturday, July 3, 2010

Today has got to be better than yesterday

So I'm still having problems with morning sickness and yesterday was the worst yet. All day I could barely get out of bed or off the couch and I couldn't think about eating. I think I had a banana, applesauce, some tortilla chip, and three pieces of my quesadilla at dinner. The mere thought of having to eat something just made me more ill. And I couldn't actually get sick - that would be too easy. Today, I thought I was doing good because I was interested in breakfast. Then, I went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch (unfortunately, greasy food like fries and chicken sandwiches are the only things that actually sound good) and that wasn't a good idea. Whereas last week, CFA was good at settling my stomach, no such luck today. I hope this isn't an idea of things to come for the next 5 weeks. Oh yeah, and the trip to Kansas - 8 hours in the car - to finally get to tell Jenni and Mom should prove to be interesting at the least next weekend. . .

On a more positive note, I changed my first appointment to Tuesday!! I can't wait to see the little peanut on the screen and hear the heartbeat for the first time! I'll post as soon as I can get the picture scanned in to the computer, don't worry!

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